Black orchid (1982)

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This is a two-part serial, first broadcast between 1st - 2nd March 1982. A brief and somewhat spoiler-ish summary of the plot: mistaken for a cricket player known only as 'the doctor', the Doctor visits a manor where a murder mystery awaits him...

'Black orchid' is the kind of story that could have been written by Arthur Conan Doyle, even if it's set in the 1920's rather than in the 1880's. It's also a straight-forward historical story, something Doctor Who (as far as I know) hadn't done since the Hartnell era. Unfortunately, the story has its problems.

One problem is that the story hinges on a string of coincidences. The more farfetched ones (and beware, there are spoilers ahead):

The other problem is that, apart from the cricket, this isn't a good story for the Doctor (beware, more spoilers ahead):

Don't I have anything positive to say about this serial? Well, actually I do:

My verdict:


Flawed, forgettable fluff.

More about Doctor Who

An introduction:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: introduction

More "interesting" Doctor Who:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: interesting

More Doctor Who with Peter Davison:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: 1982 - 1984

Similar stories:
On-site link, opens in this window Doctor Who reviews: time travel

Original version of this review:
On-site link, opens in this window 08/08/24

More about this serial

Episode guides:
Off-site link, opens in new window BBC Episode guide

Serial reviews:
Off-site link, opens in new window Outpost Gallifrey

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